Every month I meet with aspiring writers who either have an idea for a book, or have text that they want to publish. Many are shopping around for a publisher, or just trying to get information on the process. I remember going through this process with my first book. Ultimately what I learned led me to starting Bootstrap Publications.
Doing research online can be overwhelming and you read a lot of horror stories of people spending thousands of dollars to get their work out. Sipiwe Anderson had previously published her book Perfect Moon but wasn't happy with the outcome. I chatted with her about why and she shares some of her lessons in the interview below.
What inspired you to write this book?
I was inspired to write Perfect Moon because of my children. My daughter was three at the time. As I sat outside in the evening, while I was holding her the moon caught my eye and I wanted to tell her how perfect it was. The poem emerged and immediately she fell asleep. After that, every night it became easier for me to put her to sleep. All I had to do was tell her the poem.
Talk us through the publishing process that you first went through.
I first self published the book with Author House. I really wanted this poem for my children and I also knew that other mothers and fathers would enjoy it too. As years went by I noticed the book was selling but things were just not right especially the financial side of it. The phone calls I would get, I was always being asked to put more money into marketing. It really put me off.
What did you learn from the experience?
From the experience with Author House I have learned to make sure you investigate a publishing company before you publish your book.
What tips do you have for aspiring authors and writers?
For the aspiring authors and writers: Keep Writing. Don’t be anxious and manipulated. Do your homework. This is your art. Take care of it.
What other projects do you have planned?
For now I have another children’s book in the making, and Perfect Moon will be translated in different languages.
Connect with Sipiwe on Instagram.